
2009년 6월 19일 금요일

eLawyer - Exabytes Penang Bloggers & Law Forum 2009

Start:     Jun 27, '09 09:00a
End:     Jun 27, '09 12:30p
Location:     USM
More Information : http://www.elawyer.com.my/blog/elawyer-exabytes-penang-bloggers-law-forum-2009/

Forum Name: eLawyer - Exabytes Penang Bloggers & Law Forum 2009
Date: 27 June 2009
Time: 9.00am – 12.30pm
Fees: F.O.C.
Venue: Dewan Kuliah G31, Pusat Pengajian Sains Komputer, Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM), Penang Campus (Landmark Masjid USM).
Language: English
Organiser: www.eLawyer.com.my
This event is exclusively sponsored by www.exabytes.com.my - the No.1 web hosting company in Malaysia

Topic 1: Bloggers & Copyrights Laws
Speaker: Mr. Foong Cheng Leong (Cheng Leong)
Brief profile: Cheng Leong is a practising lawyer in KL. He specialises in intellectual property laws practice. He is an active blogger and owner of www.xes.cx. Cheng Leong started blogging since 2001. He speaks frequently on intellectual property and internet laws.

Topic 2: Bloggers & Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission Act 1998 (MCMC Act) and rules and guidelines of MCMC
Speaker: Mr.Shamsul Jafni Shafie (Sam)
Brief profile: Sam is the former director of Security, Trust and Governance Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission. He was also the Work Area 5 Leader on “International Cooperation” to draft the Global Cybersecurity Agenda for the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) - http://www.itu.int.

Topic 3: Bloggers & Defamation Law
Speaker: Mr. Stephen Tan Ban Cheng (Stephen)
Brief profile: Stephen is a journalist-turned-lawyer. Currently, he is a practising lawyer in Penang. Stephen was a senior journalist in the famous local newspaper including New Strait Times and the Star for more than 20 years.

Moderator: Mr. Khairul Anuar bin Shaharudin (Kruel)
Brief profile: Kruel is the cybername for Khairul, who is a practising lawyer in KL and an avid bloggers. Kruel participated in numerous bloggers events and his blog Legal Cat-asthrophereceived well comments from the bloggersphere in Malaysia.

Registration: The admission to this Forum is FREE. However, due to limited seat, please R.S.V.P by sending your details (Name, Tel, Email, Occupation and Company/School) to forum@elawyer.com.my before 24 June 2009 or call 03-2782 5399 for more information.

See you at the forum!


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2009년 6월 15일 월요일

Otakus Attention

Today is Triple R(RongRegRisa)'s Birthday

Wishing Triple R a very happy bday


My personal wish...Triple R, 快高涨大...hahaha

2009년 6월 12일 금요일


今天为了sgd 20惊动了几位朋友


2009년 6월 8일 월요일

Chilis @ Gurney Plaza

National Horse Show @ Penang Turf Club

6th June 2009 My First visit to Penang Turf Club

Pesta Bunga Penang 2009

上海天 @ QBM

Gasoline @ Time Square

Noodle Station @ E-Gate

제15회 한국어능력시험 성적발표

I think I was a bit late to check out my result but is not too late to know that I scored a level 2 in beginner's TOPIK exam ^.^

I will have to take more time to score a level 3 or 4 in the intermediate TOPIK exam...I wonder when :P