
2010년 1월 12일 화요일


Start:     Feb 2, '10
End:     Feb 4, '10
Singapore, here I come again

댓글 5개:

Albert Mah :

ohohoh ~~ Hope can see you and your girlfriend lah.. haha.. Meeting porky and Jane?.. :D

打鼓 お! :

they dont know yet, i think they will not know unless i tell them lo, they seldom check multiply since long time ago...hahaha

Albert Mah :

yeah ~~ :D I suppose to go to Penang to shoot Ji Le Si with Lao Shu during CNY.. but I do not know now as I am waiting for my project confirmation.. :D

Mei Mei Ng :

oh! I'll be there from 1 to 3 feb too! oh!!!
anything you want from Korea?

打鼓 お! :

haha...i can't think of any...how about a korean friend that i can speak to(of course with my lousy word by word korean)