
2008년 6월 18일 수요일

Kung Fu Panda

and yes, I just watched this film today

funny show but typical short ending...I dislike short ending as I wish to see them fight at least 3 days 3 nights :P

Anyway, those that have not watch this title from Dreamwork studios try to get yourself into the cinema and watch it.

and I believe, when it is in English but in Cantonese...I insist, 我吾信!

댓글 15개:

im -who-im :

but kids might not want to watch 3days3nights fight~ =p

im -who-im :

awesome is pricelesssssssssssssssssssssssssss!

打鼓 お! :

bcoz they are not paying for the ticket :P

打鼓 お! :

I demand a better ROI ... haha

im -who-im :

haahaaahaa my dad is paying d school fee for me to sit for exam!

thinks he wants high ROI as well so I might just go back to my study! =P

打鼓 お! :

not go back but roll back~

Plaz _zy :

u went and see w/o me again

sad la....

leng leng :


打鼓 お! :


打鼓 お! :

be happy, no worries :-D

leng leng :

哈哈哈哈哈 我很忙~

黑人蓝保 老鼠 :


Irene Lim :

我觉得很好看咧。也很有意思一下。 I really got entertained when I watch it:)

Jo@nn@ Smile^Gal :

the computer graphic and angles are great..
as well as.. sound track too~ =^.^=

阿魚 giamm :

not yet watch~