
2009년 2월 5일 목요일

제15회 한국어능력시험

Start:     Apr 19, '09 09:00a
End:     Apr 19, '09 12:30p
Location:     Pusat Pengajian Bahasa & Linguistik, UKM

Homepage for TOPIK (http://topik.or.kr)

First time going to a blind battle...will try to find out more to get a clearer picture of the overall test.

Applying in progress...confirmation appending~

댓글 6개:

Mei Mei Ng :

oh!!! r u getting to take it?
I'm still thinking of taking it or not... coz 40,000 won for 1 test, I want to try intermediate one.

打鼓 お! :

go go go...try :-)

Mei Mei Ng :

u go for 중급?

打鼓 お! :

초급 :p...need to get some experience

Alger Ling :

good luck both of you :)

Mei Mei Ng :

ok.. jia you!