
2009년 2월 22일 일요일

Häagen-Dazs® Fondue

Is a very nice experience...

댓글 26개:

jiahui chooi :

so jealous!!!!!

打鼓 お! :

jealous then ask yoga to bring you there to eat :P

fierce momo +__x :

like 火煱..~

fierce momo +__x :

甜死了 >.<''

im -who-im :

tht day i went and spent 200++ on ice cream only. O.o

fierce momo +__x :


打鼓 お! :


小 航 :

ice cream steamboat...

馬摯 A. :

wow I'd like to try that too!

黑人蓝保 老鼠 :

i would said is a veri expensive experience...

fierce momo +__x :

想问一下, 怎样吃法?

shan shan :

sweet~ ^^

Siae Lee Tey :

how much?

基 仔 :

indeed.... exp2

EXPensive EXPerience

vivi leong :

so jealous...
i nvr try before.. >.

Emer Liew :

that shape like "ball" are ice-cream??

leng leng :

哇 好多回忆

shan shan :

刚把一罐嗑完~ ^_^

leng leng :

popo 好爽!

shan shan :

但是很肥~ >.

leng leng :

你那么瘦 ~

shan shan :


fierce momo +__x :


cyn cyn :

toshio and my favorites choice of ice cream all the time..
nice le.. i miss haagen Dazs..

Fei Cheng Yap :


打鼓 お! :
