
2007년 1월 25일 목요일


Recognition will lead us to a better protection in this community thus seeking recognition is our top priority of life. Yet recognition is not coming from the superior but coming from the business itself.

댓글 6개:

天使 安琪 :

i agree. ppl r seeking for recognition to feel secure in their positions.

Vincent Cho :

get a professional cert then :P

黑人蓝保 老鼠 :


Debbie Yang :

要他人認同, 首先自己先做到

Yong CH :

I agree!!

Alger Ling :

Recognition will lead us to a better protection in this community thus seeking recognition is our top priority of life. Yet recognition is not coming from the superior but coming from the business itself.

In better words
Recognition is only possible when the groups come to share common knowledge, culture and icons of life in order to gain better protection and integration of running a goal and idealism