
2009년 1월 13일 화요일

Coffee Island

A place which is far better than old town cafe. The location is at Gurney Drive, Penang just beside Khaleel mamak stall.

The atmosphere there is good but the service is abit slow, probably due to the large venue they are having there. According to them, their menu is not ready yet and all the ordering have to base on a paper which is packed with all the F&B items.

5 of us went there but I forgot to take down the other 3 photos. Anyway the extra 2 are Hazelnut Hot Choc and the other one is Ice Cappuccino.

Definitely a must visit relaxing spot...See you again!

댓글 8개:

vinci chin :

coffee sofa... kekekeke.......

vinci chin :

wat make u say this coffee shop is better then old town ?.. the coffee?.. the tea?.. or the waitress?....((( hahha )))....

打鼓 お! :

the environment

vivi leong :


打鼓 お! :


ping ping :


Albert Mah :

I like kopi ...:P

Soo Yuen Leong :
