
2007년 12월 14일 금요일

Wii Party

Start:     Dec 15, '07 7:00p
Location:     Friend's New Apartment
Tomorrow House Warming Party / Wii Party :P

I am going to bring along my remote...together there will be 3 wiimotes


댓글 30개:

Soo Yuen Leong :

happy party lor =)

hudson lee :


leng leng :


Shawn ng :


肯尼卡卡 kennycarmen :

tis saturday come 2my house..wii party again!!!!

打鼓 お! :

who going to your house? hoho

白金恋人(假的) Chung Yeek :

wii wiii

肯尼卡卡 kennycarmen :

wii gang~~!!

打鼓 お! :

each of the wii gang must have a wiimote then only consider wii gang...hahaha

leng leng :

we played ps3 last nite !! very funny niaoren u should come n play together ~~~
when when when ~~

打鼓 お! :

whose ps3...? haha, so keng

打鼓 お! :

when you ask? when i am in KL lo~ haha

leng leng :

carmen's ~~

leng leng :

come la we play together ~ u hav long holiday mer =p

打鼓 お! :

aiya...long holiday but no money mer...if my leave can convert to money...hahaha~

leng leng :

easy laaa sell ur wii~~

打鼓 お! :

hahaha...now wii very valuable lo

bcoz hor, the new batch is not able to fixed a hacked chip on the wii board, meaning cannot play pirated game liao...hehe

leng leng :

waaaaaaa so jin gak ?!!!!!

打鼓 お! :

hahaha...for now is like that la...

dont know later they can hack the system or not

leng leng :

u help to hack laaa

打鼓 お! :

must know EE only can do that

leng leng :

u can learn very fast ~~~

打鼓 お! :

哈哈哈。。。give me anp pao to boos up my speed

leng leng :

u have to leave all of the angpaos from u
the heavier the slower aa

打鼓 お! :

i need angpao money to do research mer

leng leng :

seek ur wallet, and u will seeeee

打鼓 お! :

i lost my wallet during the battle with 高丽~ I think I should be able to claim back from 账房, right?

leng leng :

yiii no arr~ battle at ur own risk ga ~~ hahahahhaha

打鼓 お! :

walau....~but I got buy insurance

leng leng :
