
2008년 1월 8일 화요일

韩国实施网络实名 违规罚3000万韩元

据新华社电 从28日起,韩国的35家主要网站将按照韩国信息通信部的规定,陆续实施网络实名制。按照这一规定,今后网民在韩国主要网站发布信息必须先接受身份验证。韩国推出这一规定旨在减少网上不良信息,促进网民对网络行为负责。








댓글 26개:

打鼓 お! :

I guess no more foreigners can post reply on Korean website

shan shan :

give ang pao lor~~~

打鼓 お! :

they use identity card to validate, give angpao also cannot, hahaha

shan shan :

never mind la, u give us ang pao can liao...

打鼓 お! :


shan shan :

dont faint first.... come on~~~ gv ang pao then faint

打鼓 お! :

fainted liao lagi best, you all can pick my pocket with no interference~ I am unconcious...haha

小 航 :


Jane yu :

nvm no mine business cos i dunno korea =p

szechyi saw :

did they ever consider abt this matter?

打鼓 お! :

sometimes I feel that they dont like foreigners to register to their site as member :P

szechyi saw :

they apply close system perhaps Hoho

打鼓 お! :

they are shy:P

szechyi saw :

u need to get a korean gf so u can break their shyness

Jo@nn@ Smile^Gal :


Alger Ling :

It's for security purpose...
I remember it is also "at your own risk" to borrow ppl's Korean ID no
both parties will get penalty and note a "record" in the government record. (More "records" taken will make a Korean ID holder more difficult to get bank loan and apply government fund)

So use it very wisely if your Korean friend or resident let u access the number

in Brazil, Japan same also
here, got 1 more: residential code
if not knowing, cannot apply internet...

ah bao qiang :

residential code? Is it like our house plate number here ??

打鼓 お! :

haha...no more virtual identity?

or let's play second life la :P

ah bao qiang :

I think M'sia also same rite? everywhere ask for IC IC...IC your de head!!!

打鼓 お! :

mana IC...hahaha~

ah bao qiang :

Tak ada sini...dalam wallet saya keke....

Alger Ling :

residential code is like the code number of "private property"
well, everything is "numbered" and monitored nowadays, including your hair and your personality
thanks to who? You-know-who :)

Alger Ling :

Only touching with government websites, requires ic and/or passport number
else still "free" to make virtual identity

Alger Ling :

wingcom-ssi can make a space ----> third life

ah bao qiang :

I see....now i understand
last time ah jin want to play stockmarkets there
also asked something residential access number or identity number something
number not able to go thru and wasted chance to earn side income
did u see any good land property there?? =)

Alger Ling :

Yes....thinking..."ting ting ting..."