
2008년 1월 7일 월요일

Cannot Show Hidden Files?

Cannot Show Hidden Files? It might be the mischievous work of virus.

If you find that your PC is not able to view hidden files no matter how many times you click on the Show Hidden Files options, you may try the following steps.

  1. Install AVG, download it
  2. Run a Full SCAN and heal all the detected viruses
  3. Check your services, at the 2nd or 3rd entry, there should be one alphanumeric service, fire up REGEDIT and search for that string and delete all the matched result.
  4. Occasionally you need to grant ALL permission in order to delete the matched entry
  5. Since you are still not able to view hidden files, you need this ExplorerXP to help you to view the hidden files, download it
  6. Install ExplorerXP and start up the program, check through all the Drive and delete the file auto.exe and autorun.inf if seen.
  7. Restart PC into safe mode
  8. Fire up REGEDIT again and do the following

    Go to the following registry key:

    DELETE the value CheckedValue in the right window. (Its type should be REG_SZ and data should be 2.) So after you delete this entry, try to hit F5 several times to ensure that this entry won't re-spawn by itself.

    Now create a new DWORD value called CheckedValue (same as above, except that the type is REG_DWORD). Modify the value data to 1 (0x00000001).

  9. Restart PC and you should be able to hide/unhide hidden files.