
2008년 5월 5일 월요일

Have you seen a Chief Minister sit in Economy Class? I have.

As Ning and I were lining up to board our flight to Penang on Wednesday afternoon, I spotted a familiar face standing in front of us in the queue. So I whispered to Ning.

Me: Look in front of us. It's Guan Eng.

Ning: Who?

Me: YAB Mr. Lim Guan Eng, the Chief Minister of Penang.

Ning: No lah.

Me: Yes lah! I know how he looks lah. It's the CM lah.

Ning: Takkan CM jalan sorang sorang. If he's the CM, where's the bodyguards and the officers and the rombongan and kaum kerabat?

Me: Tak percaya? Watch and learn.

So I walked up to Yang Amat Berhormat, introduced myself and asked to take a picture. He smiled and obliged.

YAB CM: Hey, I know you! You're Ning Baizura!

Ning: YAB Lim, good afternoon.

YAB CM: Come, come, we take a picture. Vernon, here's my card. Email me the pictures OK.

Me: Definitely, sir.

Ambik kau. CM pun peminat katanya!


Ning and I really felt honoured. But we felt more surprised that the Chief Minister of a state was travelling all by himself like any normal rakyat jelata. But the biggest surprise in store for us was yet to come.

As usual, we sat in First Class. I expected the CM to be seated somewhere in front of us but then I realised he wasn't in First Class. Where did he disappear to???

I popped my head round the curtain that veils First Class and Economy Class and guess who I saw sitting in the front row seat of Economy quietly reading the newspapers?

YAB Mr. Lim, you have my deepest respect. You have made history by being the first Chief Minister in this country to sit in Economy Class whilst in office as Chief Minister. You really mean what you say when you talk about cost-cutting. Sir, you have shown me leadership by example.

Of course I asked permission to take his picture sitting in Economy and he laughed. And I said I'd blogged about it and he laughed some more, and gave permission. Ketua Menteri yang berjiwa rakyat.

Source From : CLICK HERE

* Ning is one of the Malay singer that I know, I love some of her songs :-)

댓글 16개:

Jane yu :

i dunno who ???? =p

御楽 タン :


Niccolas Cheah :

whalau wei ....

Plaz _zy :

Ning Baizura ?

肯尼卡卡 kennycarmen :


打鼓 お! :

yes, Ning Baizura~

黑人蓝保 老鼠 :

刚开始的时候是坐ECONOMY CLASS...以后有可能是坐BUSINESS CLASS了...哈哈哈哈

leng leng :

之前英国首相买经济舱机票也被免费upgrade到头等舱 ~
i like Ning Baizura!!! Her live performance is awesome ~~~

Alger Ling :

但願持之以恆 :)

打鼓 お! :

就像亨少一样 =)

Alger Ling :


Plaz _zy :

its pretty commendable :)

打鼓 お! :


Jane yu :


phaik tan :

wah, i almost think that wingcom knows Ning Baizura!!
is possible later he will sit in Air Asia or Fire Fly planes? hehe

Im NotShy :
