
2008년 5월 22일 목요일

We were in the Hot Zone

It was a nice afternoon for 17 of us(colleagues) gathered at Tactical Sports Paintball Park (Bukit Gambir) ready to experience somewhat hot zone alike combat between 2 teams.

The time was like 6:00pm+ and finally all of us were there and being briefed by the Marshall about what to do and what we shouldn't do in the hot zone.

After that we were divided into 2 teams. 1 team having 8 players and the other having 9 players, I was in the 8 players team.

Every players were given a Marker(Gun) with a lot of bullets(Orange color filled plastic ball). The rules(Capture the flag/Kill 'em all) were set and we were off for hunting.

We played for 3 rounds and the team I was in emerged as the Champion beating the other team 3 to 0. Most of us are still first timer.

Since we still have some bullets left. A 2v2 death match was called to finish up the leftover. I was one of the 4 players and this was the game I got trapped behind the tire barricade and got a headshot. Yet we still won the game.

The first 2 games I was clean, no paint got me because I was well hidden. I think I shot someone but it is too difficult to see with a foggy mask on. In the third game, I was hit with a shot near my throat area. I can feel the shot that time with an Ouchhh~.

Anyway, it was a GG. Although it was very tiring running between barricade to barricade and at the same time trying to avoid bullets. It was fun to play, worth to play(RM 41 per 17 players) and I wish I can play paintball again soon. I might not be a good player but this game is about teamwork and well-organization. Teamwork rulez!!!

Photos will be ready soon...stay tune!

댓글 23개:

leng leng :


Plaz _zy :

pew pew

Steven Kok :

ada bomb???

Albert Mah :

ohoh... nxt time i also wat to play....

打鼓 お! :

if got bomb then in the 3rd game our team will likely had less casualties.

The other team hid behind a barricade(3-4 of them) together and fortified a fortress like defence...

we have to "chong" to kill them all.

szechyi saw :

huhu~ where is cold zone?

Steven Kok :

go go go

打鼓 お! :


poŖků oTäkũ © :

got tiu tiu tiu tiu tiu sound bo?

toto 。 :


Shawn ng :

got bruise or not>?

sheep ah woon :

bi bi bi~

黑人蓝保 老鼠 :

爽...我已经好久没玩PAINT BALL了...

打鼓 お! :

got abit...~

shio shio :


打鼓 お! :


shio shio :

得空来玩~ x)

打鼓 お! :


下次同事有建议去玩。。。我看看能不能shift venue :P

shio shio :


打鼓 お! :

让我变厉害。。。哈哈哈。。。给我sniper :P

shio shio :



基 仔 :


shio shio :

避弹衣有,43就没有…… 67gam无~