
2008년 9월 26일 금요일

Mansuhkan ISA(26 Sep 2008)

Sekali lagi, saya seorang pergi menghadiri kempen ISA yang diadakan di hadapan Dewan Sri Pinang, Pulau Piang.

Setelah saya sampai ke kawasan perhimpuaan aman tersebut, saya menerima sabatang lilin daripada pihak penganjur dan juga menandatangani surat rayuaan yang akan dihantarkan kepada Perdana Menteri kita dengan mesej agak ISA dimansuhkan demi keadilan dan hak asasi warganegara Malaysia.

Masa perhimpuaan tersebut ialah 9:30PM dan berakhir pada 10:41PM. Sekali lagi, pihak polis telah menujukkan kepakaran mereka dengan kerjasama daripada orang ramai.

Minggu depan, masa yang sama(9:30PM), hari yang sama(Jumaat), Kita Jumpa lagi! :-)

댓글 10개:

fierce momo +__x :

hapuskan isa

Emer Liew :

916? 923? 926?。。到底要“信口开河“到什么时候?

Albert Mah :

just wait lah ~~ if Anwar have enough MP joining his party, why not just show the evidence and get the nomination known to the public?

打鼓 お! :


打鼓 お! :

hmmm...getting their names announce doesn't really help in any way...to take over peacefully is the main concern :-)

YYbee . :

ribuan umur kepada burung orang

toto 。 :


im -who-im :


Albert Mah :

True ~~ Now Adullah is going thru another party election before 9th Oct, we never know what will be the result and outcome. So the longer this process take, there are more uncertainty and unstability within the country. It seems the ruling party want to use the party election to win back the political frogs...........

恐龙妹 nicole :
