
2008년 9월 26일 금요일


Gone through P1Wimax presentation
From the paper it looks awesome
Getting a broadband connection virtually anywhere

P1Wimax will have a launching ceremony in Penang this coming November
Soon Penang will be a Wimax enabled island.

For those who are thinking of getting a new notebook, please hold your horses as the information that I acquired from the presentation is that in year 2009 Q2, the first Intel(embedded with Wimax chipset) based notebook will be selling in the market and by that time getting connected virtually anywhere will no longer be a dream.

Now, my job is to try as hard as I can to convince KL HQ about this tehchnology.

Of course, I do have concern with the security going wireless and also the issue of any possibility damaging our health...but all in all, it is great to know about Wimax, this might be another great choice over Streamyx and the words from them(P1) is to even taking over Streamyx share market, who knows :-)

댓글 17개:

YYbee . :

yr picture is W1max de, wimax ...w1max same?

御楽 タン :

streamyx are already shaking over the free wireless KL project, and i see no reason P1 couldn't drive them into state of chaos, wimax totally out matched streamyx, in terms of speed, and price.


YYbee . :

30 days unlimited only rm20, attractive.

打鼓 お! :

that's just a brand name :-)

YYbee . :


Michelle Yee :

over KL, coverage reach above level 10 liao... ^^

Michelle Yee :

I'm still under free trial...lol~

打鼓 お! :

wow...that's great :-) reaching higher and higher, touching the sky :P

fierce momo +__x :

cheh~ ipoh apa pun taklak...

打鼓 お! :

they are implementing phase by phase...haha...

魔鬼 飛飛 :


fierce momo +__x :

eeerrr, 好像是

魔鬼 飛飛 :


Steven Kok :

Those in KL who are interested to try on the WiMax, please visit Green Packet New Office located at Jalan templer (Jalan 222). If you passby federal highway, you can see the new building.

kuok benny :

anyway~ those who own EPF account we all r investor of P1 ...

Michelle Yee :

hahaha...you are the spoken person of P1 Wimax?

打鼓 お! :

nope :-), I am just sharing and learning