
2008년 9월 23일 화요일

PC Fair II Booth Babe Winner 2008

Here at Lowyat.NET, we strongly believe in giving you, the reader, enough mouth watering variety to keep you coming back for more. Our first initiative, called the After Lunch Special, aims to achieve this goal by introducing you to non-tech related topics whenever we come across something interesting - even though Lowyat.NET is Malaysia's Tech Enthusiast Resource Community, you've got to admit that here's only that much tech news one can consume in a day. Well, enough chatter for now; let's get on to the serious stuff.

In today's edition of the After Lunch Special, Lowyat.NET is proud to present you with (*drumroll please*) the winner of Lowyat.NET's inaugural PC Fair Booth Babe contest - from the Sony booth, Miss Sammi. Watch our (very) short chat with the ever busy student/model who took some time out of her busy schedule to say thank you to all of you who voted for her.

(short interview video clip included in the link, click to view)

댓글 27개:

黑人蓝保 老鼠 :


打鼓 お! :


researching...awaiting for starcraft 2 and diablo III

Kevin Ho :


我也是在期待着 Starcraft 2 和 Diablo III ^^

打鼓 お! :

hehe...my PC too old to play...8-9 years old liao

打鼓 お! :

brother...you are running on what spec right now?

Kevin Ho :


Core2Duo E6550 (2.33GHz)
Gigabyte S-series Mobo
Kingston 2GB DDR2

hehehe.....actually, I bought my rig beginning of this year.
The old one beginning to feel like an "ogui" d..... xÞ

打鼓 お! :

now graphic cards price drop very much...hahaha...~

last few months i see 8800 still around 700...now probably 500(or less) can get

Kevin Ho :

PC stuff gets obsolete damn fast.
I checked the recent lowyat price list and i couldn't find my GPU model selling anymore.
Now they are selling all those 9XXX models.

What's your budget anyway?

打鼓 お! :


budget depends on when starcraft II out...going to get ori to meet friend in bnet :-)

Kevin Ho :

Hahahah.....I am still thinking about getting ori for Starcraft 2 onot.
But Diablo III, I 100% will get ori. ^^

小 航 :

buy buy buy...don wait ^^

打鼓 お! :

diablo III die also will get...~hahaha

打鼓 お! :

yeye also buy :D hahaha....then we can play multiplayer together

Kevin Ho :

Yalor yalor~! xÞ

When they announced Diablo III, I really went blank and recalled all those sleepless nights hacking and slashing through countless levels with my frens using TMnut 1515~!


Jo@nn@ Smile^Gal :

=^.^= ... leng leng...

Plaz _zy :

good good... when buy let me know...we go together kk

wong wei wen :


shio shio :

oh, this pretty girl very nice... my brother know her.

打鼓 お! :

hahaha...seems to me like you know all the girls in malaysia :P

打鼓 お! :

or some say singapore :P

shio shio :


dun la... later i kena 拉耳朵~
yo, give me your number...

打鼓 お! :

which number?

Plaz _zy :

342634 <-- his number

打鼓 お! :

thanks for advertising~ haha

shio shio :

sorry, i lost your name card...

last 3days when ryoko here i unable to call u out to meet~ (Y^Y

打鼓 お! :

ohhh...number safety box number...ok

shio shio :

