
2008년 9월 29일 월요일

Another Black Monday for Wall Street

Wall Street was pinning its hopes on the government's $700 billion financial system rescue plan. But the fervently wished-for bailout was rejected Monday by the House of Representatives in a stunning turn of events, and investors reacted with a vengeance. Major U.S. stock indexes plummeted Monday in one of their worst sessions ever.

The ugliness was widespread, with major indexes posting their worst percentage declines since the 1987 stock market crash. The Dow industrials fell 5.4%, the S&P 500 sank 7.8%, and the Nasdaq plunged a jaw-dropping 9.1%. The Dow suffered its biggest-ever closing loss in point terms:

Read more : http://www.businessweek.com/investor/content/sep2008/pi20080929_748797.htm

댓글 2개:

Shirley Choo :

if they got money ......hey show off already la........WHAT FOR TO WAIT.....they had no money liaw...............

king chiang :

they could have the money produced but many of the opposer disagree is due to the long term effect. they don't want the upcoming president and his team to bare bush's left over shit~ (crap excuse)

it's unfair to the people as well....investors who took risks to earn profits must also bear the losses. why must the poor tax payer bare the loses for them?
the democratic caused this mess and now they are asking the republican to bare with them...hahahaha
anyway the latest news is that they are going to amend minor details and are hoping for another round.
god bless america!