
2008년 12월 29일 월요일

Summary of What I've Done

This is a summary for my past holidays, from the 24 to 29 Dec, What have I done...

When friends ask me how was my Christmas as well as my "long" holiday...
My answer is as following

Firstly, I had been actively participated in driving for my holidays, especially on the first 3 holidays. Friends from Singapore went all the way down to the little island I am staying in for sight seeing and tasting a lot of delicious local food.

Secondly, for the first 3 holidays, seriously I have only limited sleeping time, especially on Christmas Eve, brought them for countdown and later went for a SKOL session somewhere beside the beach. We were there until 3am and by the time I reached home it was already 4am and the next day I woke up at 7am to bring them round Penang Island.

The following one of the many actions that I have done was eating. I went for a Christmas Eve celebration party at my colleagues house expecting a turkey feast but all ended up with eating Kenny Roger's Chicken. Beside that I do have a chance to taste on many varieties of food prepared by my friend's mother. Also, not forgetting to mentioned about bringing my friends from Singapore to taste all the local cuisine for the past 3 days.

Talking was another highlight of my holiday's activity. We have a fun time talking just about anything and we do enjoyed the time spending together and promoting a better and stronger friendship.

MSN is another tool(despite using the mouth) being leveraged to further understanding what a friend has been doing and what had been done during his/her Christmas.

And to regain energy and releasing negative electron(get rid of tiredness). Sleeping is the best way and the only best choice that I have chosen to be done during my holidays.

Overall, for my past holiday, What I have been doing the most was driving...sometimes manual gear, sometimes auto gear....FUN

*PS : I'd also helped to clean a house :-) haha...

댓글 13개:

黑人蓝保 老鼠 :

good holiday...me eat sleep & watch TV...hahahahaha

Alger Ling :

eat, sleep, go out with galgal, take photos, watch raining and stars, xmas decoration streets, chit-chat online, drinking unlimited supply of beers etc...
now, uploading photos hoho....

poŖků oTäkũ © :

wah~ what a happening holiday season....
Im glad you're not only staying home be otaku

leng leng :


打鼓 お! :


toto 。 :

u are so rich in soul~ ^^

打鼓 お! :

haha...then I should go to Seoul, Korea...then i will be rich :P

toto 。 :

u are rich...where ever u go~!!!!!

leng leng :

@_@~ 都没有我的~

leng leng :


打鼓 お! :


打鼓 お! :

hoho...you too...

打鼓 お! :

心灵的富足比任何东西更为重要 =)