
2008년 4월 24일 목요일

For Mathematics Frankenstein

You have been setting mathematics equation using Microsoft Word 2003.

One day, when you step into your cubicle, switch on your PC, you find that the Microsoft Word that you are familiar with had gone through a lot of changes.

Instantly, you pick up the phone and dial the infamous IT Hotline and usually the respond will be "Hello IT" in the first place, then you started to complain about everything or anything or just about nothing as if the world has turned upside down.

Be patient if you are complaining the whereabout of the Equation Editor where you have been using for years to construct mathematics equation in your thesis or research report etc using Microsoft Word 2003.

With the new version of Microsoft Word...namely Microsoft Word 2007, you can locate the Equation Edition by clicking Insert than at the far right corner there is an Equation button to serve your needs.

Sometimes, that Equation Editor button will be greyed off. In Microsoft term, greyed off means "tak boleh klik". Normally in this case it is due to the reason that you have opened a document that was created by the older version of Microsoft Word .e.g 2003, XP, 2002 etc.

The file that save with Microsoft Word 2007 will have the extension of .docx (4 characters) whereas the others will only have .doc (3 characters)

To enable back the Equation button,
1. Click the BIG round button on the top left hand corner
2. click save as and a window will popup for you to choose where you want to save
3. make sure the save as type is Word Document(*.docx)
4. then click on save
5. reopen the newly saved file and the Equation Editor will work as expected.

Hope this helps

side note : Do not delete your older version file first, use that as backup if anything goes wrong.

P.S. I still hate Maths :-)