
2007년 2월 10일 토요일

Multiply Customize Site Fix

Well...some of you might notice this Fix released by multiply but some of you might not

I am writing this to inform you all that this fix is actually to repair some posting which are not editable due to some IE compatibility issue with the automation of HTML detection implemented by Multiply not long ago.

If in your WELCOME MESSAGE by chances has any characters that are not alphabet based i.e Chinese, Korean, Thai etc, by clicking the Customized Site at your MAIN PAGE, the so call "link fixer" will corrupt all your non-alphabet based characters.

Knowing before hand about this, you can do a backup of your WELCOME MESSAGE, after the fix then you can re-paste it back and save it. No big deal.

Things get messy if you don't know about that and after seeing corrupted texts you might feel "what the ....". Well no worries at all, if this happens, just click on the back button, highlight your WELCOME MESSAGE, copy the highlighted texts then edit the welcome message again and paste it back and perform a save.

Hope this helps.

* You will see what I mean by going to your "MY SITE" then hit on the "CUSTOMIZE SITE", the fix mechanism will only RUN ONCE.


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