
2007년 5월 31일 목요일

The importance of being redundant

In IT, service provider always speaks of redundant this and that. It is so important to have redundant this and that because they must meet the 99.9% uptime stated in the SLA or else they will be put onto the hot pan and questioned by the board.

Redundant this and that does nothing but cost extra money. I mean, how often will a redundant take into play when most of the time the primary this and that will be fine? well, I guess people just want things to behave as stated in the SLA and everyone will be having a joyous celebration. Hence this term "redundant this and that" comes in to exterminate and ensure the "what if something goes wrong" possibility.

What if in real life redundant applies on human being. Will I be considered as redundant and that will make me happy? will my personal internal value(pricing) goes up because I am considered to be redundant like the "this and that"?

haha...The importance of being redundant, a view from different angle. FUNNY

댓글 10개:

toto 。 :

sit sofa..is very important too~

olis lorraine :

nobody will be happy if considered as redundant because all of us think that ourselves is the most important and special among them.

Steven Kok :

hehe...end to end redundant = headache

打鼓 お! :

haha...we speak the same language :P

魔鬼 飛飛 :


打鼓 お! :

这里只有一张图 =)

Steven Kok :

and the new standard for SLA is five nine

打鼓 お! :

哈哈哈。。。so keng :-)

打鼓 お! :

the policy now says that we have to backup the backup :-)

Steven Kok :
