In case you were confused by early Wii renders that showed various
white, black, silver, green and red Wii models, there’s only going to
be one color available: white. Nintendo’s Planning General Manager(Mitsuaki Hagishima) says
Nintendo will only release a white Wii, but will release multi-colored
Wiimotes so you won’t confused your Wii with your buddy’s. This happens
to us all the time.
************so no more colors for the fans?? :P, well probably, keep on reading***************
With only one color Wii available, Sony is the only company that
will have a multi-colored console in black, silver and white. Although
Nintendo is only confirming one color, we suspect various different
colored Wii versions will be released within 18 months of the launch,
which coincidentally will also be smaller than the first Wii version,
but have problems with its hinge cracking. It will be called the Wii
The different color Wii-motes will be offered so that gamers will not
confuse their controllers with their friend's ones. It is strange that
the Wii will not be coming in other colors considering that the in
previous videos, black was shown.
댓글 27개:
弄到我对这个有点兴趣tim ~
dont have gold colour...!!! >"<
dont have blingbling one alsoo...!!!!!
如果有 swarovski crystal blingbling 的就好咯!
=.='' 自己去買來黏~
去日本拿给人家 cuztomize..!!! hahhahahahahahahahahahahaha
=.='' 自己弄唄~
以前我的同學哦..他也是自己弄得..他的手機很blink blink的..!!!
nintendo DS 有blingbling 的!
我比較喜歡cool cool的..!!
just happened to bump into this pic
>.<''' hahahaha
yii 以后我们吃螃蟹~ 可以用bearbrick~ 也可以用wii~ 任君选择~
喂你的assignment 搞掂了啊?
还有一个~ 礼拜一交~ 那个没有问题~~ 哈哈哈
不要写她的名字jek!!moi tiu 9 kui!
angpau colors?
hahahhaha~ jek~so funny~
jek very funny meh?
nmm interesting toy aye?
thx for the info~
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