
2007년 8월 25일 토요일

멍청한 약속

오늘 밤 약속이 있었어요. 친구에게서 천화를 받아서 똑바로 Weld Quay에 만나러갔어요.

그 곳은 제가 한 번도 가 본 걱이 없어요. 그래서 정장을 입지 않거든요.

도착하다가 친구들을 찾기 그래요. 그런데 그녀들은 아직 안 나왔어요.

그러니까, 그녀들을 기다리면서 여기저기 걷고 봤어요. 그 Weld Quay의 QEII를 볼 때, 갑자기 한 나쁜 생각이 나왔어요.

"혹시, 그 곳은 퍼브이나. 이렇게 입으면 입장하지 못 해, 아~~~어떻게 하지, 이번 죽었다..."

당장 친구에게 천화를 걸렸어요. "최송합니다. 제가 먼저 갈게, 집에 갑자기 일이 생겼어...다음에 거기서 보자..."

그 되에 집으로
운전하기 돌아갔어요. ㅋㅋㅋ

아마, 지금 그녀들은 춤을 추고 있을 거예요...

댓글 39개:

fierce momo +__x :


chung fei woon :

what mean??

jiahui chooi :


fierce momo +__x :

தமிழ் தேடல் எந்திரம

打鼓 お! :

phatdevil...you write in tamil ah?

打鼓 お! :


chung fei woon :


杉田 雪鱼 :

全然わかりません,かなさい咯...... xD

打鼓 お! :

hahaha...かなさい :P

sylvia MC bong :


Alger Ling :


오늘 밤 약속이 있었어요. 친구에게서 천화를 받아서 곧 바로 Weld Quay에 만나러갔어요. *곧 바로 (right away) , 똑바로(correctly... straight..)

그 곳은 한 번도 가 본 적이 없는 곳이어서 정장을 입지 않았거든요. - Perfect

도착해서 친구들을 찾았어요. 그런데 그녀들은("이" is also ok) 아직 안 나왔어요.

(그래서 <---optional) 그녀들을 기다리면서 여기저기 걷고 있었어요. 그 Weld Quay의 QEII를 볼 때, 갑자기 나쁜 생각이 나왔어요.
*한 나쁜 생각 is very weird Korean wording... but you would say: 어느 불긴한 생각....

"그 곳은 술집이지만 이렇게 입으면 못 들어갈지도 모르는데, 아~~~어떻게 하지, 난 죽었다...") - Perfect

당장 친구에게 천화를 걸었어요. "미안해. 나 못가, 집에 갑자기 일이 생겼어...다음에 거기서 보자...
" *걸렸어요 (passive, you are called by the phone), 걸었어요 (active, you called the phone)
*제가 is polite speech, not used to polite form to friend.
"나 못가" is more logical than "먼저 갈게" bcuz you are not there (in the location) when you say this phrase.

그리고나서 집으로 돌아갔어요. ㅋㅋㅋ - Perfect

아마, 지금 그녀들은 춤을 추고 있을 거예요... - Perfect

打鼓 お! :

hmmm... thanks :-D

I still need to use more of the 지만 thingie...when I watch 미녀들의 수다 programme...they use that alot

Regarding the Perfect rated sentences, I don't see I am doing perfectly as I see modifications here and there for some of them...haha...

불긴하다, what is the best explanation for the meaning in mandarin? the 한자 is 不緊...very odd to me, hoho

and thanks again...I have been waiting for corrections :-D...muahahaha

打鼓 お! :

I guess later huailing will put some words for me too :P

Soo Yuen Leong :

你又知道我會來看?? @@?

Soo Yuen Leong :

불긴하다 => 도로무익

打鼓 お! :


Soo Yuen Leong :

是嗎? 他會REPLY才是罕有

打鼓 お! :

哈哈哈。。。我在等更加罕有的steven pan :P

Soo Yuen Leong :

你終於肯練習寫韓文, 那是好事嘀 ^.^

打鼓 お! :


Soo Yuen Leong :

阿凡啊~ 你要慢慢等囉, 他是稀客
是Pan Stefan

Soo Yuen Leong :

懶惰翼空~~ :P

打鼓 お! :


Soo Yuen Leong :

9句有 5句是OK的
算是有點進步唷, 要再接再厲!

Soo Yuen Leong :


Soo Yuen Leong :

영감이 어디서?...참, 제가 몰라요...
應該是 참 몰라요...

Soo Yuen Leong :

착상이 어디 있어? 참 몰라요...

Debbie Yang :


Alger Ling :

I marked "perfect" as it means the phrases are expressed in natural Korean and no wording errors. Whether you got them from somewhere, i do hope you make a try to compose your own sentences.

~ 지만 in basic is when you want to conclude something with unexpected statement, like i want to go to cinema with you BUT i have work to do, i'm sorry THAT can i smoke here? etc...

한 나쁜 생각 is very weird Korean wording, you use 한 if it's specifc number like One Dog, One Idea...I hope you know the difference between One and A in English, which is similar in Korean 한 and 어느. And when you say 나쁜 생각, it rather means evil, malicious thought/idea, it's not natural wording even in translated into English. 불긴한 (不緊한) means of not essential, not appropriate and something it won't work well (Huailing used the Hanja idiom to explain nicely 도로무익 (徒勞無益) ) . It doesn't hold similar meaning in modern Chinese. (It's not a good idea to read Korean Hanja in Chinese context as i reminded you a few times)

영감이 어디서?...참, 제가 몰라요...= ? This is very misleading and may cause big laughter from Korean speakers: Where is your husband?? (Wingcom, are you....ok?)

착상이 어디 있어? 참 몰라요...= yeah better

Are you trying to say 아이 앰 백이어디 있어? ~ Inspiration ?


打鼓 お! :

cool explaination

打鼓 お! :

actually I do not remember had I written 영감이 어디서?....

I think I didn't~ nvm...I can learn also :-D

打鼓 お! :

Terima Kasih

Alger Ling :

No idea, maybe Huailing got it from your super-old entry somewhere
Reminder again, don't simply use Hanja unless you are really familiar with 唐文 as guideline

Alger Ling :

:) also a commo and polite ending to reject someone's request

Debbie Yang :


sylvia MC bong :

為什麼唐文的漢語對日文和韓文的影響這樣大呢? 真是好奇....

ah bao qiang :

我不是很懂整段對話跟 멍청한 약속 標題有什麼關連??

Soo Yuen Leong :

龍王, 你給分多少?

Yong CH :

好像我知道的成語是 徒勞無功? 怎麼會是 徒勞無益?