
2007년 3월 6일 화요일

Event Viewer

some interesting find about event viewer

Event viewer logs actually consumes more of your server memories when it starts growing bigger and bigger.

so never ever assign a high KB number for the Maximum log size field.

Instead save and clear log files periodically as it is vital for system administrator to track and troubleshoot system activities.

When sysadmin find that their system is running low of memory, probably this might be another perspective to look into.

taurus will be more relief by now ;-)

*I wonder will this happen to our pc/laptop? I think it is unlikely to happen, well...when I reached home I will do a check...hehe

investigation tools
tasklist without/with the parameter /svc

댓글 7개:

白金恋人(假的) Chung Yeek :

thanks for the infor!! very usefully!!

leng leng :

不明白 ~~

打鼓 お! :

这个现象通常只会出现在伺服器。。。所以呢,一般用户不用担心。。。因为一般的default event viewer setting 都是很小的~

白金恋人(假的) Chung Yeek :


leng leng :

那么不关我事了~ 呵呵

Yong CH :


Michelle Yee :
