
2008년 3월 1일 토요일

Unable to Login Multiply with Streamyx

Dear Friends, please pass this message on to whom that are still not able to login to Multiply.

I have been facing this disability 2 days ago, I notice that people using streamyx with the ip of 60.51.x.y or 118.x.y.z or 124.x.y.z or 219.x.y.z(maybe within some range of x) is the main culprit of this problem. Previously I was holding such ip beginning with 219...

I had disconect and reconnect several times and got lucky to get ip that is non-60.51or non-118 or non-124 or non-219, please try this on your side, this might help.

Thanks and again, please TELL your friends to disconnect and reconnect until you get ip of non-60.51 or non-118 or non-124 or non-219 as starting...

This is one way to check your ip...go to http://www.whatismyip.com/

  1. Off your router/modem, wait for 1 second then turn it back on
  2. go to http://www.whatismyip.com/ to check, make sure the numbers you see is not beginning with 60.51 or 118 or 124 or 219
  3. Try to login Multiply

good ip that is able to access 60.50.x.y, 60.53.x.y, 218.x.y.z

*one thing to note, if you see 10, 169, 192...they are not streamyx ip, they are your local ip

Alternative URL to check IP http://www.blockstatus.com/ip-proxy-detector

댓글 34개:

Costner Voon :

Errr.. I using Singapore line. But, last time I face same issue like u. So, I dont think the line is the prob. I believed is the multiply web prob...

fierce momo +__x :

Streamyx suck!!!

打鼓 お! :

singaore line should be fine...soon after I change my ip...I can login

Costner Voon :


im -who-im :


打鼓 お! :

then how should I make it easier to understand~ maybe~...

im -who-im :

Oooo 懂了~

Alger Ling :

make some snapshot photos step by step to guide.

打鼓 お! :

can't...there are too many kinds of modem/router out there, different modem have different setting...the best way is to turn off your modem/router then turn it back on. since home user are not assign with a fixed ip, home user will get different IP each time they disconnect and reconnect.

打鼓 お! :

if anyone know the real cause, please tell me...so far i find this "not so logical" way to get me back into multiply

Erin Foo :

i'm maxis broadband...

打鼓 お! :

so...how's the speed? how high can the top download speed hits?

leng leng :

kamsahamnida ~

打鼓 お! :

you are welcome, gege

leng leng :

5 stars for u !!~

打鼓 お! :

I prefer HB

Erin Foo :

i duno er actually..
im 电脑白痴。。just know online and do assignment only~~~

leng leng :

HB case for u ~~~

打鼓 お! :

hahahaha....at least put 5 stars inside the HB case ma

打鼓 お! :

I always want to evaluate maxis bb line speed

leng leng :

haahahaha u put urself la~
5 + 5 u got 10 stars already ~

Im NotShy :

u post here got use meh,ppl already cant log in multiply how to read ur message haahahahaha~~~

打鼓 お! :

you know liao ma....then pass the message to your friends...somemore, this post will send an email to all my contacts...if they read their email, they will know :-)

Im NotShy :

aiks i forget got email.....dunno how many months i didnt check my mail liao hahahahaha!!!

打鼓 お! :


打鼓 お! :

by the way, i also inform those that cannot login via msn, if i know they have this problem :-)

Erin Foo :

after i ask my friend..i let you know lo..bcus he is using maxis bb also..

Jane yu :


Steven Kok :

can try some transparent proxy server.


打鼓 お! :

are those proxy server safe?

they are afterall configure by someone we dont know :D

打鼓 お! :

somemore is .ru....russia has alot of genius :P

House M.D. :

Buy influenza or cold treatment at half price and bring health to you family members!

Even light cold caught in public transport may cause complicated breathing and cough!

House M.D. :

Buy influenza or cold treatment at half price and bring health to you family members!

Even light cold caught in public transport may cause complicated breathing and cough!

Steven Kok :

sometimes i will key in DNS manually and it works...