
2007년 3월 18일 일요일

Ps3 vs Wii - Part 3(Ads)


댓글 24개:

打鼓 お! :

see the looks and features here


Shawn ng :

can play until sweating...

imbecile stephy :

not bad...i saw at tv b4...no ned go outside exercise edi like tat haha ^^

Shawn ng :

i wan to buy lar... haha...Wii lose...

打鼓 お! :

wii lose??

Shawn ng :

haha... why? why so shocked? hehe...

打鼓 お! :

you are helping why to advertise wor, 果然是好朋友

Shawn ng :

why? ask W.H.Y... duh... haha...

Shawn ng :

according to the new features... which one is better?
i know Wii is more fresh...

打鼓 お! :

I just like Wii when I first saw it...you konw...love at first sight :P

打鼓 お! :

you may see this also


comparison btw xbox vs ps3 vs wii

Shawn ng :

just now my connection got problem... wait till old also didn moved... but dunno now lar.. hehe...

raymond chan :

i prefer wii...!!

i like wii..!!!!

Shawn ng :

i tot Wii only got one control... but not...

打鼓 お! :

what do you mean by 1 control?

I heard it comes with only 1 set of controller only~ if need a player 2, need to get additional controller

Shawn ng :

one set means there is a few of joystick , right? is it depends on the game u select? so needs another joystick also...

打鼓 お! :

1 set means 1...hoho~

Shawn ng :

but i saw the pics u post... looks cool... like sambung wan...

打鼓 お! :

yes...you are right....we use both hand to play especially for action game

Shawn ng :

u buy then i pinjam... hehe..

打鼓 お! :

you come to penang, then I pinjam :-) with some 红包 charges...hahaha

Shawn ng :

haha.. 鸟哥... supposed i charge u wad... haha...
u know why? ask WHY... haha

打鼓 お! :

I can only ask Y la...bcoz W and H I do not know them completely :P

Shawn ng :

hahhahaha.. good answer~