
2007년 3월 26일 월요일

Retirement meant alot

I had been jogging around the neighborhood for years

before I decide to retire, when I was jogging my mind is full of work

life has been getting good when I decide to retire

now when I am jogging, I can feel the birds singing, listen to the bee and play with my grandchildren

when my grandchildren play with me, they just dont judge me but accepted me completely and that feeling is terrific.


댓글 12개:

im -who-im :

含饴弄孙~ ^^

D-rulez yeon :

get a life
i'm retiring now...hahaha

打鼓 お! :

actually you have 3 dd already?

D-rulez yeon :

hahaha~ then i can really retire lo....enough for me

打鼓 お! :

:-) good for you...格格 can really enjoy life that time

D-rulez yeon :

i will choose half retire..... if not very sien

打鼓 お! :


leng leng :


Steven Kok :

should say

"I am tired of Working!"

szechyi saw :

retire or not, u still need to giv ang pau~

打鼓 お! :


Alger Ling :

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