
2007년 4월 25일 수요일

Multiply Guestbook(Read/View)

New stuff introduce by Multiply...the Guestbook

now just about anyone can leave you a public message through this newly implemented feature if you set it for public access or if otherwise network or contact access just for privacy concern. Just drop me any messages, I will definitely go through of them 'em

wingcom's guestbook

On top of thtis, a moment ago, we get our Multiply badge horizontally, you will get what I mean if you did play with it, now we can have a vertically displayed badge by just a click of change :-), cool huh?

The other less important feature to me is the important of contact from Bebo which I do not have any idea...

The get further info, please refer to http://multiply.multiply.com/journal/item/152

댓글 17개:

阿魚 giamm :

wat is this ? so many guestbook in my message there ~

打鼓 お! :

that is a public announcement of your friends' guestbook, you can anytime leave message over there

by the way, I am raising up the concerns that I see thus far to multiply admin... :-P

hope they will have a delete feature to delete unwanted posting and has a enable/disable announcement on the message board(which can turn on and off about a new post in guestbook )

vivi leong :

can hide the guestbook, rite ??

by the way.. pancake's yummy ~^^

Shawn ng :

roti canai

阿魚 giamm :

okok, where can i find the guestbook?

lol... nasi lemak yummy ~

打鼓 お! :

at your mainpage down there :-)

to vivi : yes you can hide the guestbook, but most of the ppl are requesting to disable the announcement of new entries in guestbook...let's see what will be multiply's response

Shawn ng :

like this also can? hahaha

打鼓 お! :

some update here...you can actually delete replies :-)

go to your mainpage-->guestbook-->view all replies(at the right down corner there)...then you will see delete in there :-)

天使 安琪 :

i can save my 1 billion le.

打鼓 お! :

哈哈哈。。。you are welcome

Elaine^ teh :

hmmm.....how ur post ur guestbook ? i hv no idea?

打鼓 お! :

go to your mainpage and scroll to the very bottom and you will see that~

Elaine^ teh :

thanks !!

poŖků oTäkũ © :

can i just get rid of guest book?
dat is so f**kin annoying

打鼓 お! :

go to customize my site then hide it

打鼓 お! :

most of the ppl does not like the flooding of the guestbook thread...

I guess they will fix that in 24 hrs, hopefully

Fei Cheng Yap :
