
2007년 4월 5일 목요일

Ragnarok Online 2

Preview of Ragnarok Online 2

댓글 13개:

suzanne ng :

cant view geh..hmm...u play ro ah? i used to play for a very long time ( ro one)...but stopped for very long...im one of the crazy fan last time..haha..tot of playing ro 2 when out..but no time neh

打鼓 お! :

click on the play button...it should be viewable :-)

last time I watch my brother play only...I did try to play a while but I feel very stupid to play after a while :P

魔鬼 飛飛 :


打鼓 お! :


魔鬼 飛飛 :


suzanne ng :

not bad la...coz last time college time..addicted with gang of friends ma..keke..but frankly...i met alot alot alot alot friends there n now become real life friend d :D

打鼓 お! :

ya...that's the best part :-)

Fei Cheng Yap :


打鼓 お! :


Fei Cheng Yap :


打鼓 お! :

不清楚。。。但是目前RO2应该是PC online版

Alger Ling :


V3n0m Green :

wow wonder full, thats great for promotion. But in my contry that RO isnot instaled T_T. Im so jeallous >.< i wan play.......