
2007년 10월 14일 일요일

At the Crossroads - Malaysia

December 2006
There are claims Malaysia's secular constitution is being threatened by creeping Islamisation. Non-Muslims feel they are being treated as second-class citizens.

Moorthy Maniam was a Malaysian Hindu hero. After he died, a group of Muslims claimed he'd made a deathbed conversion. Despite his widow's protests, the Sharia Courts declared he should be buried as a Muslim. "They used Moorthy to show that in this country, Islam is supreme", complains lawyer M Manoharan. In the 1980s, Malaysia's Sharia courts were given equal power to the civil courts, creating two parallel legal systems. But while the Sharia Courts are constantly trying to extend their authority, secular courts are reluctant to challenge them. "Non Muslims have no place to go and fight for their basic rights".

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打鼓 お! :

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打鼓 お! :

walau...the last 2 sentences by the mufti is not making any sense

Siae Lee Tey :


Emer Liew :

好笑。。真好笑。。! 他是贼在喊抓贼..!

szechyi saw :


Shawn ng :


Siae Lee Tey :


黑人蓝保 老鼠 :

they bullshit alot... saying other races bullying them... who is the richest person in malaysia... shit lah..

打鼓 お! :

hahaha...the richest person in malaysia still chinese le :P

Steven Kok :


Siae Lee Tey :

He didnt read newpaper a~! those who always bully ppl is Malay~!

leng leng :

Robert Kuok is enjoying his luxury lifestyle in hk ~ so shiok

打鼓 お! :

hahaha...he is my kai ye :P of course in my dreams

Keto キット :

what lao ye... didnt use the brain to think and speak... foolish.

sylvia MC bong :

樹不要皮必死無疑, 豬不要臉天下無敵~~

Mei Mei Ng :

The best defense is offense. We must be beware of them...

打鼓 お! :

can form a "ajumma" group in korea and protest in front of malaysia embassy or not :P

Mei Mei Ng :

ah? i don't think it is wise... i think malaysian don't care much about protest.

打鼓 お! :

you know what, I think ajumma in korea is strong as what you had written previously in your essay :P, haha

show them the power

Mei Mei Ng :

power here - useless there - or say, the water here cannot save the fire there.

打鼓 お! :


Alger Ling :

much earlier in 1963s, Sharia and Civil courts were in equal influence.
The influence and intervention were by anyone who has power in the Government.
Government who made the law and they already broke the law, i guess their people are too open to break a law too. 有句說得貼切: 上樑不正下樑歪. 當真不堪設想 :)

ah bao qiang :


Debbie Yang :
