
2007년 10월 16일 화요일

Drag and Drop

Drag and Drop is a term widely use in Microsoft Windows Environment. This feature is to allow the user to drag a file or a series of files from one folder and drop it into another folder. It's very convenient...

But do you guys know this terms was also used in THE Ching Dynasty?

Well this happens mostly in the Forbidden City Palace. In movies or documentary, you can see on every morning, a lot of Ching's officer will gather at the main hall to report issues to the emperor. If happens that an officer said the wrong thing and insulted the emperor or what so ever that will make the emperor "dragon face big mad"....

THE EMPEROR will say "DRAG AND DROP"....which means DRAG him outside and off with his head...then the officer's head will DROP :P, well and most probably the officer will shout "YUAN WANG A~~~YUAN WANG A~~~" before he dies.

this is just a joke...nothing personal, not real and no officers were harmed during the process of telling this joke :P

댓글 14개:

yunyann 昀燕 Lee 李 :

原来是拉出去斩了啊…… (o_0'')

打鼓 お! :


我深信当年鬼佬是那样翻译“拖出去斩了”....to drag and drop :P

leng leng :

hahahahaahahahaahahahahaha wtf
the officer will be u if u still not giving me angpao!!!

打鼓 お! :

and do you know "dragon face big mad"? hahaha

打鼓 お! :

I found you the best candidate today and you haven't reward me le~

yunyann 昀燕 Lee 李 :

龙颜大怒! hahahaha~

leng leng :

she knows she was trapped!!!

打鼓 お! :

who was trapped?

Shawn ng :

u 'drag' a breath, 'drop' a shit... wow~

leng leng :

ginny lor ~

打鼓 お! :

haha, she is so innocent

Soo Yuen Leong :


Joni Chin :


Irene Lim :

Hahahhaha, funny!!!